So very proud of such thoughtful, kind hearted students! The middle school students adopted a family of five this Christmas. Thanks to the generosity of the kids and their awesome parents, they managed to purchase every item on their list and then some, in addition to gift cards! They wrapped each gift with love and can’t wait to give them to the family. Thank you to Mrs. Chiero's wonderful and talented grandmother for making a huge blanket for the family and scarves and hats for each child. We hope this Christmas will be unforgettable for this family!
Yesterday the wonderful and talented staff of Hasbro came to our school and painted an amazing mural. This is the second year they have visited our school on their Global Day of Joy. This is Hasbro’s way of celebrating the Holiday Season. We are so blessed they have chosen St. Cecilia School to spread their joy to.
Kindergarten collected hats and mittens to give to St. Vincent DePaul so they can distribute them to families in need, as our Feinstein Project. Our class has collected 116 hats and mittens. They were "super excited to bring hats and mittens for those who need it. Now children can play in the snow." We are happy that we can help keep some families warm during the cold season.
Congratulations to Mrs. Tetzner who received $3,500 from Bristol County Savings Bank for a grant she wrote to purchase another set of Google Chromebooks for the school.